With the activation of Feature 19 voting (block height: 3720000), the transfer of 2 Waves from block rewards to the DAO has been initiated. These Waves sent to the DAO contribute to funding projects and supporting the development of the Waves ecosystem.
The metric "Block Rewards for DAO" examines the account (3PEgG7eZHLFhcfsTSaYxgRhZsh4AxMvA4Ms) responsible for sending block rewards to the WAVES DAO. It analyzes how much Waves are collected from block rewards for the DAO. Additionally, by monitoring the regular Waves balance of the WAVES DAO account (3PEwRcYNAUtoFvKpBhKoiwajnZfdoDR6h4h) over time, it is possible to observe how much of the received Waves rewards are being spent.