Activation & Voting
On-Chain Analysis
Number of Transactions
The number of successful transactions that took place on the network during the examined time period.
Active Unique Address
The number of unique addresses that were active in the network as a sender.
Total Address
The total number of unique addresses that have acted as either sender or receiver on the network.
Block Rewards for DAO
This metric shows how much waves were sent to the DAO from the block rewards and the waves balance of the DAO account.
Network Daily Total Fee
It shows the amount of fees received from transactions that took place on the network during a day.
Waves Balances of Centralized Exchanges
This metric shows the Regular Waves Balance of Centralized Exchanges.
Generating Balance
Generating balance history of generators.
Active Addresses and Address Lifespan
Active addresses seen in the last 24 hours and addresses average lifespan on the network by blocks.
Daily New Addresses
This metric shows the number of new addresses created on the network by day.